Sunday, January 20, 2008

Started learning JavaScript tooo

Hey Guys,

Me started to learn JavaScript toooo. Although was planned to start earlier rather, but was not getting enough time. Now realized that I must know this also, as I'm very dumb in this.

My future plan to upgrade my technical skill is like this.
1) JavaScript
2) JavaScript with oops concept.
3) AJAX (Very much fascinated about this stuff called AJAX, these days I only implement the design in AJAX components/widgets but want to write on my own)
4) PHP & last but not least

Don't know how log it will take me to reach from JavaScript to PERL, But one day, I'll definitely be a PERL programmer.

So please help me out in learning this by suggesting good stuff. I want to start it from A of JavaScript to Z of JavaScript. What I have experienced and seen to others that is very good place to start anything. I have started too from here. I have also a .pdf material for JavaScript which illustrates the JavaScript like kids. That .pdf and materials teaches me like teacher. Means everything step-by-step.

If you feel that you are also having such material then please pass on to me. I would be highly greatfull to you.


  1. Hey Abhishek Nice to read your blog.Much appreciating.All the best for the future plans.Hey give us some designing tips too as you are the master in that :).


  2. Did you see WebMonkey relaunched recently? That might be a good place to start:
